Friday, January 3, 2014

Atheists and Jesuits: Duff - Tusk - Klaus - Grimsson

Andrew Duff - Donald Tusk - Vaclav Klaus - Olafur Grimsson

European integration has its believers and unbelievers. Andrew Duff is the porky British MEP who never misses an opportunity for a bit of pro-European sermonising. In the opposite pulpit is Olafur Grimsson, the long-serving Icelandic President and strict euro-aetheist. Polish PM Donald Tusk is on Duff's side and evangelises for the EU, and the promise of a cosy Brussels sinecure. And former Czech President Vaclav Klaus is with Grimsson, but like all Czechs enjoys playing the enfant terrible. Seeing this lot fight it out, is a little like watching Richard Dawkins debate the Archbishop of Canterbury. Each side earnestly believes that its ideas actually matter.
With apologies to: Mole; Solidarnosc; Hell Boy; Aeolus